Juniper Events are so pleased to welcome our fabulous sponsors and creators to THE VAULT – which opens on the 8th July to 18th July!

- 718
- Insomnia Angel
- LuluB
- Yasum
718 | Guwopp | R3HAB |
AMBIX | Harakiri | Raibe |
American Bully | HORL | Rainbow Sundae |
Antipole | Insomnia Angel | rainnn |
Bad Rabbit | IVY | REKT |
B(u)Y ME POSES | Just Yaska | Rise Design |
Bee’s That Way Designs (BTW) | kisetsu | roslyn |
Believe | KOCRYLIC | Salal |
BellePoses | kokoro | SCHOEN |
Blanche | Lexa Cosmetics | Secret Poses |
Boutique #187 | Livido | SEKAI+ |
BUNK | lock&tuft | SHARD |
Butter / Butter Store | LuluB! | Short Leash |
C’est la vie !:: | Lux Aeterna | SIGMA |
Cabal | Luxecode | Six Feet Under |
Cake Inc. | Maze | Skellybones |
Cannabliss | MICHAN | SOM |
CAZIMI | mintae | Sullen Confection |
CHAOS | MIURA | Tardfish. |
COCO LOUIS | MOoH! | Temaring |
Coven | NIMBUS | TFR Scripted Mesh |
[Cubic Cherry] | Nar Mattaru | The Little Bat |
DEEP STATIC | no.match_ | theROOM |
Demicorn | NOE | TREND |
DIALOGUE | NORUSH | truly outrageous fashion |
Diversion | Nyaru | Tsun Tsun |
DO INK | Nyoko | UNHOLY |
Eclectica | ONEDAYS | v i o l e t t a . |
FUNKYSTENCH | PandaBee | VANNIES Nylons & more |
G R E Y | Puddles. | Yasum |
Gemini | PUKI | YORKE |
Goth1c0 | PYPS | ZFG |
Grasshopper St. | R U V A | Zibska |
Don’t forget to join JUNIPER EVENTS inworld group for updates and info regarding early access!! You don’t want to miss this !
- SL:secondlife:///app/group/8cac56c3-49a0-012c-2c35-7836985af398/about
- Facebook Group:
Also, check out all of our social media platforms – join for updates and news!